Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Writer's Spotlight: Sarah Haskell

Sarah Haskell

Sarah Haskell is a senior and a member of the Literary Magazine.  The following is from her Portfolio for Ms. Joyce Belskis' Creative Writing Class.  Sarah has written four types of poems:  a narrative, a tanka, an ode and a cinquain.  Thank you to both Sarah and Ms. B!


A Night with You

Storm approaching
And green porch steps
Black clouds thundering
And the wind howls circles around us

You and I
Green and Brown eyes staring back at each other
Hearts beating fast
And we are only staring
Drenched from rain
Is it love or hate between us?

Both began to speak, mumbling words.
Thunder drowning out our feelings
"I'm here" ,you whisper
I know
Tears mix between raindrops
Our hearts match the rhythm of thunder


A Difficult Choice

Finding a way home
The crossroads in front of me
The question I see
A choice I do not yet know
The light bulb slowly explodes


Ode to Waterfalls

The place I escape to,
The waterfalls,
You, the place I love the most

You're smell Algae infested water, and pollen
The breeze rustling my hair
Water roaring in my ears

I can breathe again
Thanks to you
A black hole for my thoughts
Peace at last
My depression hiding away
The one hug, I want to receive
You are the place I need

The freedom you provide
As I hide under the trees
The waterfalls

I hide from the world with you,
Thank you for my hiding place.

The Blue Island WaterFalls
SEPA station 3


A Sick Life

Sickening, repulsive
Destroying, Debilitating, Deteriorating
Your body against you
Autoimmune Disease

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